From Hunters Bar, either straight along Ecclesall Road (bus lane at peak hours) or (quieter route)go down Sharrow Vale Rd (one-way inbound) then left to Hickmott Rd, right on Ecclesall Rd
For the University, left at Collegiate Crescent and right to Victoria Rd, right onto Broomhall Rd and left immediately onto Brunswick St using the bike gate.
For City Centre,
either carry on along Ecclesall Road (bus lane at peak hours – cycle lane at the city end) – taking the turn off into the Moore St subway where there are direction signs. Charter Row now has cycle lanes. or (quieter route) turn right on Rosedale Rd (just after Berkeley Precinct) & follow Stalker Lees Rd, , Pomona St, & Napier St to Cemetery Rd
On the way back, there is an ingenious cycle route along Neill Rd which avoids the busiest part near Hunters Bar.
From Junction Rd, there is a useful right turn slip into Sharrow Vale Rd avoiding the need to go round about the roundabout.
To avoid Ecclesall Rd completely, use Psalter Lane & Cemetery Rd. Note that there is a cycle track off to the left just before you reach Summerfield, which enables you to avoid the slightly dodgy cycle lanes on Summerfield St.