Sheffield Cycle Routes & Resources

Month: October 2022

  • Last Night’s Cycle Forum

    Long post, sorry. Report back on last night’s Cycle Forum, which was a Q&A with members of the Transport Committee.

    Sustrans Volunteer John Kirwood led off with a question specifically about the access barriers on NCN6, which at this point is the bridleway leading around the side of the cafe and lake area. It is located on a steep hill and pretty much makes it impossible for an able-bodied person to cycle up, let alone a disabled user. 
    This led to a discussion about the more widespread replacement of barriers across the city (it would be wrong to use the term removal as they are pretty much always replaced by something conforming to LTN1/20) Quite a few have been replaced across the city – the 5WW no has no barriers, the Netherthorpe Road tram stop subway ones have gone, very usefully for me as I can now get the Sustrans trailer around much more easily. There are more to come, notably on NCN627 out to Beighton. I also reiterated concerns about Amey not taking the opportunity to replace barriers when they are resurfacing. 
    The police continue to have some concerns and there have been some instances of criminals accessing farmland on quad bikes, but I feel it must be up to landowners to ensure their property is secure. 
    Living Streets campaigner Helen raised a question about Ecclesall Rd South, would there ever be a scheme for a protected cycle track along this road? The officer present responded that there was no plan in the pipeline at present. I suggested that while we were waiting for such a scheme more use could be made of the quiet streets in Greystones, which are 20mph and there is a School Streets scheme at Greystones Primary.  Helen responded that there could be problems passing oncoming traffic on the narrow and heavily parked streets and that crossing Ecclesall Rd to access the area is difficult. I certainly agree with the latter – we have asked for better crossings  in the past e.g. as part of the “smart routes” initiative which was scrapped when the Amey PFI started –  but have to say the former is not my experience although I appreciate that riding a solo bike is somewhat different from  a bif “Tern”  – style cargo bike with kids on board.
    A question was asked on progress with the Active Travel (AT) Schemes, which do seem to be progressing rather slowly given that Leeds has implemented all of theirs.  I think it was agreed that progress had been slow but  work  on Asline Rd is starting soon.  
    It was noted that Little London Road had  seen an uptick in AT usage of up to 91%. Officers were going to check these figures and make them available for wider promotion of the schemes. 
    The Lane Campaign was at the meeting.Adrian Lane was the cyclist who was killed recently at the junction of  Common Lane and Ringinglow Rd – we don’t yet know the circumstances of the collision. There is a recent proposal to divert NCN6 from the Porter Valley onto this road and there was a petition in April 2021 about cycling safety on the road. I find this a tricky one – I use it frequently myself.  It is much used by road cyclists, speeds on the downhill are high. I don’t think many of these cyclists will comply if an attempt is made to channel them onto an off-road path along with walkers, joggers and horse riders.(Horse riders already use the footpath although it is not a bridleway.)  On the other hand the motorised traffic is  mostly leisure traffic along with drivers who have been guided this way by their GPS instead of  the A625, then there are the owners of over-powered cars who use it for a burn, mostly in the a time when a low sun makes for poor visibility  These users shouldn’t be prioritised and slower speeds should be a first step. At the moment we go from 20mph in the suburban area, 30 up to the end of the built-up area, then 50 upto ringinglow where it’s 30, snd 60 between there are the Sheffield boundary where it’s 40 between the cattle grids – crazy. Sustrans policy is that if a road is used for an NCN route the max speed limit has to be 40. Other proposed solutions have been; return it to a single track road with passing places, making one lane available only for non-motorised users; block it off above Ringinglow so through traffic is forced on to the A625. Let’s hope something is done on the back of this latest tragedy anyway. The police are conducting a road safety operation on Ringinglow Rd today, 21/10. 
    I got s last question in, fortuitously at a time when Mazher Iqbal had joined us, which was, given that he city has an obligation to reduce its carbon footprint to net zero why is it going ahead with schemes such as the Shalesmoor Gateway which will increase capacity at this junction by 20%, and conversely given this commitment  how can we not proceed with AT LTN and School Streets schemes?
    Mazher responded that the Shalesmoor Gateway scheme was necessary to unlock the potential of the remaining vacant land in that area and that at the moment the key priority was to restore Public Transport to a reasonable level (I think we can all get behind that) . He professed to be on board with Active travel implementation (although some reports suggest otherwise) and recognised that even if the entire road fleet was electrified we would still have congestion problems. (One might add onto that heart disease, obesity and mental health issues – I happened to be cycling through Treeton and Brinsworth at school letout time recently and was shocked by the number of obese kids I saw) Mazher also recognised that consultation on the schemes has been poor and said that this was to be improved.   
    Think that’s about it – again, apologies for the long post! 

  • Sheffield to Dublin

    Sheffield to Dublin

    Sail-Rail from Sheffield to Dublin – What’s it like?

    I got the train to Holyhead on Oct 2nd, the day after a strike, so I was a bit worried that my journey would be disrupted. Although Northern had cancelled the 09:14 stopper, the 09:11 express  was running and they even took the time to attach an extra unit. I had time at Piccadilly for a coffee+xant and a comfortable TfW train got me to Chester. It was a very tight connection at Chester – if I had been able to get there earlier I would have : and the 2-car train was very busy, but there was the odd seat & I was able to get a good one with a view after a couple of stops – ideally on this train you sit on the right hand side to get the sea views. At Holyhead, although my ticket said Irish Ferries, Stena Line were happy to take me – imagine rocking up to the Ryanair desk with an EasyJet ticket! I checked in my Brompton – no extra charge for this – and the bus drives you right on to the ferry and soon you’re sitting in a comfortable lounge sipping a tea (other beverages are available) Onwards to Dublin!

    I had picked up a puncture on my Brompton somewhere and contacted my pal Damien to see whether he could meet me with a repair outfit. Sure enough he turned up complete with dog, cargo bike and full repair kit – soon we were on our way. An off-road route from the city to the ferry port is being built but not quite ready yet, so we shared the road with a few artics to get out of the port. Obviously we had to stop for a drink before heading home.


    Active Travel in Dublin

    There have been a lot of changes in Dublin since I was last there. The tipping point was the Velo-City conference in 2005 which opened up Irish politicians, planners and campaigners to the possibilities. Upcoming at that time was the opening of the tunnel to the Ferryport, which took heavy truck traffic off the Quays and created space for the planners. At that time the Luas light rail system had termini on each side of the city but now it is linked up. Cycle lanes, formerly just white paint on the road, are now becoming segregated, sometines initially lightly with “wands” but increasingly with permanent demarcations. And there are plenty of cyclists about! Dublin is a city of the young with a thriving University culture. Dublin Area Rapid Transit (DART, a nod to the BART San Francisco system, perhaps?) has plenty of room for bikes as does the heavy rail system.

    Heading up north to Howth, every main road had a separate, well used cycleway system. Greenways are being built in the city and across the country as well – the Royal Canal and Grand Canal towpaths are very cycleable and Damien took me out to see the new River Dodder Greenway, providing access to the Balrothery Weir, an amazing stepped weir, previously quite hard to find.

    River Dodder Greenway

    Balrothy Weir

    Damien on one of the new Greenway Bridges
    Damien on one of the new Greenway Bridges

    The investment in all this, coming from austerity-hit Britain, is quite astounding. Unfortunately a side-effect of all this development has been that housing prices have gone through the roof, as everyone wants to live in Eire now.

    Sadly I had to leave and the sail-rail journey back all went well until arriving in Manchester to find many cancelled trains and everyone heading for Sheffield squeezed onto one Northern Rail stopper. Welcome back to the UK!

    Walking route in Howth